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Category Archives: Reference Cards

Some good compact Reference Cards

by admin_import on 08/07/2008

Apache: Apache 1.3 Quick Reference Card https://refcards.com/refcard/apache-forda Checkpoint FW-1/VPN-1: German: Die 100 wichtigsten Check Point VPN-1-Kommandos https://www.galileocomputing.de/download/artikel/346/galileocomputing_poster_check_point_a3.pdf Cisco: Ciscopedia: A new Windows-Help-formatted File with a big Reference for Cisco command https://www.google.de/search?q=ciscopedia-v3 Perl: Perl Regular Expressions https://refcards.com/docs/trusketti/perl-regexp/perl-regexp-refcard-a4.pdf And some more see: https://refcards.com/